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ZL Microdent Attachment

ZL Microdent-Attachment

ZL Microdent has more than 50 years of experience and design of precision mechanical parts.
Premium Partner
ZL Microdent differs from others in the way it develops and manufactures products. It is the great passion of the company and colleagues to focus on the smallest parts with the aim of developing and producing the highest precision and customer-oriented solutions. ZL Microdent-Attachment GmbH & Co. KG in Breckerfeld is part of the GC group of companies and, with more than 50 years of experience, is the specialist in the development and manufacture of precision mechanical parts for partial prosthetics and dental implantology. Since 1968, components for partial prosthetics have been successfully used millions of times and are indispensable. Always with the aim of achieving maximum functionality and precision in order to meet patients' high demands for comfort and esthetics. Since its foundation, ZL Microdent has been known in the dental industry as a driving force for innovations, many of which are now standard precision attachments.
ZL Microdent-Attachment GmbH & Co. KG Part of GC Corporation
Harkortstr. 2
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Inlay, crown and bridge materials
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ZL Microdent Attachment

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ZL Microdent Attachment


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