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Takara Company Europe

Takara Company Europe

Leading supplier of high-quality dental treatment centers and chairs in Europe.
Premium Partner
Takara Company Europe GmbH is the European subsidiary of the renowned Japanese company Takara Belmont Corporation. With our many years of experience, we offer a wide range of high-quality dental treatment centers and chairs. Our products emphasize technology, comfort and functionality that make treatment more comfortable for patients and more efficient for clinicians. We are constantly striving to expand our product line and further improve our technology so that we can always offer our customers the latest products for their needs. Our target group are dentists and dental clinics throughout Europe. With our products, we aim to improve the comfort and efficiency of dental practices and help raise the quality and standard of patient care.
Takara Company Europe GmbH
2-1-1 Higashi-Shinsaibashi
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Takara Company Europe

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Takara Company Europe


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