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SDI Germany

SDI Germany

SDI Limited researches, develops, manufactures and distributes dental restorative materials.
Premium Partner
SDI Germany GmbH is a pioneer in the field of dental materials. In-depth research and clinical studies, state-of-the-art production processes and extensive experience make SDI products the ideal restorative materials for the modern dentist. Founded in 1972, SDI quickly became one of the world's leading specialists in restorative materials. In 1985 SDI was listed on the Australian Stock Exchange. All SDI products are manufactured in Victoria, a state in south-eastern Australia, and are distributed worldwide in over 100 countries by importers and specialist retailers. SDI has offices in Cologne, Chicago, and Sao Paulo.
SDI Germany GmbH
Hansestr. 85
Contact manufacturer
Dental materials
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SDI Germany

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SDI Germany


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