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Provider directory


The company has been developing and supplying high-quality, high-performance three-phase AC drives (SF technology) for dental technology for over 50 years.
Premium Partner
Schlumbohm GmbH & Co. KG, founded in 1925, has developed into a global partner for many branches of industry with outstanding innovation and unmistakable quality. Our product ranges include precision components and complete systems, which we develop together with our customers on a customized basis. Of particular note is our strong performance in the healthcare sector, especially in implantology, where we set industry standards. The foundation for this is laid by our experienced development service and the strictest quality controls. Our traditional family business still stands for German engineering, reliability and quality.
Founded: 1968
Schlumbohm GmbH & Co. KG
Klein Floyen 8 -10
Contact manufacturer
Drives and transmission instruments
Suction devices
Surgical suction equipment
Surgical Motor Systems
Endo measuring devices
Endo motor systems
Ultrasound equipment (ZA)
Root filling materials
Endo preparations
Bone regeneration preparations
Instrument stands/trays
Root canal filling posts (gutta-percha, etc.)
Straight and contra-angle handpieces (general)
Sonic/ultrasonic handpieces
Special angle pieces
Suction cannulas
Surgical instruments
Filling instruments
Measuring instruments
Augmentation products
Equipment elements for prophylaxis workplaces


Product highlights

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