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Planmeca Oy

Planmeca Oy

We are the largest privately owned dental equipment manufacturer and the parent company of the Planmeca Group.
Premium Partner
Planmeca Oy is a global leader in the healthcare industry with a focus on innovative dental equipment, including advanced dental units and functional dental systems. Founded in Finland in 1971, the company today offers a wide range of products from digital imaging to CAD/CAM technology. Planmeca Oy excels in providing customized solutions for both healthcare professionals and educational institutions. We strengthen treatment quality and patient safety through our industry-leading technology, personalized solutions and by providing intuitive user interfaces. With our passion for design and cutting-edge technology, we always strive to move the dental industry forward and provide the best possible patient experience.
Planmeca Oy
Asentajankatu 6a
Contact manufacturer
Treatment units
Dental technology functional systems
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Planmeca Oy

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Planmeca Oy


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