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ökoDENT GmbH & Co. KG pays particular attention to ensuring consistently high quality from development to production.
Premium Partner
As an innovative company in the dental sector, ökoDENT GmbH & Co. KG combines ecological responsibility with technical progress. For over 20 years, we have been producing rotary instruments and tools that combine aesthetics, sustainability and maximum comfort. Purposefully developed products such as grinding instruments, cutting discs and polishers are part of our sustainable range. Our high quality standards guarantee the long service life of our products and thus contribute to environmental protection. We set new benchmarks in the field of dentistry and dental technology with high innovation standards. Our customers include dental practices and dental laboratories that value sustainability, quality and innovative solutions. At ökoDENT, we combine precision with responsibility for the benefit of our customers and the planet.
Founded: 1990
20 - 49 employees
ökoDENT GmbH & Co. KG
Lindenweg 13
Contact manufacturer
Rotating instruments
Rotating tools
Diamond Instruments
Carbide instruments
Ceramic grinding wheels
Polishing instruments
Root canal instruments
Diamond Instruments
Carbide drills and cutters
Ceramic grinding wheels
Polishing instruments


Product highlights

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