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Miele & Cie.

Miele & Cie.

Innovation meets tradition: Tailor-made solutions in the hygiene sector - disinfectants, sterilization devices & more.
Premium Partner
"For over 120 years, Miele & Cie. KG has stood for innovation and quality. This heritage is particularly evident in the Professional division, where we offer effective and sustainable solutions for reliable hygiene. Our outstanding portfolio includes chemical disinfectants, sterilization appliances and accessories that always meet the highest quality standards and the latest scientific findings. Our aim is to meet the high hygiene requirements in professional environments, e.g. in healthcare facilities, pharmaceutical companies or laboratories. We combine the latest technology with the experience and know-how resulting from our long tradition. At Miele, we are already living the future of hygiene today: our aim is to make our customers' lives easier, safer and more efficient.
Miele & Cie. KG / Geschäftsbereich Professional
Carl-Miele-Str. 29
Contact manufacturer
Disinfectant (chemical)
Sterilization/disinfection equipment and accessories
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Miele & Cie.

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Miele & Cie.


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