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Provider directory
MELAG Medical Technology

MELAG Medizintechnik

We ensure maximum patient and instrument protection - with innovative technologies.
Premium Partner
Since the birth of MELAG in 1951, we have pursued a clear goal. As an owner-managed family business, we don't just want to offer outstanding autoclaves and washer-disinfectors. We want more. With passion, innovative strength and attention to detail, we want to systematically coordinate the entire reprocessing process - and thus make the complicated uncomplicated. We want to make our customers' work safer and more efficient with devices for the entire practice workflow, from autoclaves, washer-disinfectors and water treatment systems to products for sterile goods storage and documentation. Over 700,000 satisfied customers prove what it means to constantly rethink instrument reprocessing. We now do this with over 450 employees. Every day. Worldwide. However, our claim to research, develop and produce exclusively in Germany (Berlin) has never changed.
Founded: 1951
500 - 999 employees
MELAG Medizintechnik GmbH & Co. KG
Geneststr. 6 - 10
Contact manufacturer
Sterilization/disinfection equipment and accessories
Disinfection equipment
Weld-in units
Sterilization testing agent
Sterilization packaging
Tray and other container systems
Instrument cleaning and disinfecting agents
Cleaning and disinfection equipment
Water disinfectant
Cleaning and maintenance equipment

MELAG Medical Technology

Product highlights

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MELAG Medical Technology


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