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Provider directory
Kentzler-Kaschner Dental

Kentzler-Kaschner Dental

Kentzler-Kaschner Dental GmbH is a company with decades of expertise and experience in the dental sector.
Premium Partner
"Kentzler-Kaschner Dental GmbH - a leading supplier of imaging systems, prosthetic materials and much more. With over 35 years of experience in the field of dental medicine, we are constantly working on the development and improvement of products that are characterized by quality, innovation and user-friendliness. Our state-of-the-art imaging systems and durable prosthetic materials support dental technicians and dentists in their daily work to provide patients with optimal care. As a reliable partner to the dental industry, we place great value on advanced technology, customer proximity and first-class service. Our comprehensive product range, from X-ray processing equipment to ceramic materials, is aimed at the demanding dental market."
Kentzler-Kaschner Dental GmbH
Mühlgraben 36
Contact manufacturer
Imaging systems
Prosthetic materials
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Kentzler-Kaschner Dental

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Kentzler-Kaschner Dental


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