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Provider directory
Freuding Laboratories

Freuding Labors

Freuding builds furniture for the dental sector, individually manufactured in Stetten im Allgäu.
Premium Partner
The name and product have been an integral part of dental technology and the medical sector for over 50 years. Over the years, quality design and design possibilities have also shaped Freuding into what it is today: a leading fitter in the dental industry and in the medical sector in Germany, Europe and overseas! We are just as committed to smaller redesign projects as we are to the realization of comprehensive and complex overall concepts. We realize individual and high-quality furnishings and offer you complete solutions that are precisely tailored to your needs.
Freuding Labors GmbH
Am Schleifwegacker 2
Contact manufacturer
Practice furniture
Dental technology functional furniture
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Freuding Laboratories

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Freuding Laboratories


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