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Our core competencies include the development of light-curing materials for restorative dentistry and dental technology.
Premium Partner
"DeltaMed GmbH is a leading company in the field of medical 3D printing and modeling materials. Since 1998, we have been using our technical expertise and innovative technologies to develop customized solutions for the dental and medical sector. We are also a sought-after partner for industry and research. The products manufactured in Germany are of the highest quality and meet all international standards. Our portfolio includes various printing materials such as resins & pastes, scanning rods, accessories & devices, as well as customized 3D printing solutions. DeltaMed's central goal is to deliver innovative products that maximize the treatment success of doctors and dentists while increasing patient comfort. With this advanced approach, DeltaMed is revolutionizing the medical industry and setting new standards in the production of medical devices."
DeltaMed GmbH
Raiffeisenstr. 8 a
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3D printing
Modeling materials
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