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DEKEMA dental ceramic furnaces

DEKEMA Dental-Keramiköfen

Innovative ceramic furnaces and high-tech devices for dental technology and dental laboratories
Premium Partner
"DEKEMA Dental-Keramiköfen GmbH is a leading supplier of ceramic furnaces and specialized equipment for dental technology. With over 60 years of experience and strict quality assurance, we ensure first-class technology for dental laboratories worldwide. We are proud of our origins in Bavaria and rely on a manufacturing tradition that combines quality and innovation. Our ceramic ovens impress with unique functions such as the Autodry® drying system or the Aquamatic® closed water cooling system. Our wide range of products includes vacuum pumps and vibrators, as well as a variety of accessories for everyday laboratory needs. Whether dentists, dental technicians or dental laboratories - we inspire with user-friendly, durable devices that meet even the highest demands. With DEKEMA, you can rely on quality and efficiency in dental technology."
DEKEMA Dental-Keramiköfen GmbH
Industriestr. 22
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Dental technology equipment
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DEKEMA dental ceramic furnaces

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DEKEMA dental ceramic furnaces


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