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DAISY Academy + Publishing House

DAISY Akademie + Verlag

Education, consulting & media in the medical practice: expertise meets innovation and passion.
Premium Partner
DAISY Akademie + Verlag GmbH is more than just a service provider in the world of medical practices. Since 2009, we have been an educator, consultant and media pioneer with the aim of providing doctors, practice owners and medical professionals with proven tools. We operate at the center of a dynamic industry by providing expert training, personalized consulting and relevant media products. We are known for our innovative contributions to practice management and patient communication. Our portfolio includes training, seminars, specialized literature and digital media that address the latest trends and best practices in medicine. Our credo is to make everyday practice life more efficient and patient-friendly through continuous training and communication. Because we believe that good medicine also means seeing the person behind the patient.
DAISY Akademie + Verlag GmbH
Lilienthalstr. 19
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DAISY Academy + Publishing House

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DAISY Academy + Publishing House


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