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Provider directory
C. Hafner

C. Hafner

Expert in precious metal dental alloys for dental restorations. Quality & innovation for generations.
Premium Partner
C.HAFNER is one of the leading companies in precious metal processing for the jewelry and dental industries as a provider of analog and digital solutions and services for precious metals. The company offers a wide range of precious metal alloys for the production of dental restorations, the two most modern electroforming systems as well as milling machines in precious metal for the digitally based production of precious metal frameworks.
Founded: 1850
200 - 499 employees
C. Hafner GmbH + Co. KG
Maybachstraße 4
Contact manufacturer
Inlay, crown and bridge materials
CAD/CAM material
Precious metal
Galvanic devices
Metals/alloys (inlay, crown and bridge)

C. Hafner

Product highlights

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Digital precious metal telescope technology

Produce precious metal telescopes accurately and easily with All-in-One

Gold is far from being obsolete in dentistry. Digital processes are creating synergies that make the material more attractive than ever before. The latest coup: All-in-ONE for precious metal telescope technology. The All-in-ONE concept represents a new workflow in telescoping technology: now the design and manufacture of primary and secondary parts are carried out simultaneously in a single operation. The time-consuming and error-prone scanning of primary parts is now a thing of the past. The laboratory receives finished polished primary parts and the matching secondary framework from C.HAFNER. Only the friction has to be adjusted as desired; otherwise, no reworking is required. If a primary telescope from an All-in-ONE job is lost or broken, a new one can be ordered with just one call. Two different alloys can be selected for All-in-ONE - Orplid H is a gold-yellow, high-gold alloy or CeHaMILL Plus is a gold-reduced alloy with 40% gold content and light yellow color. The advantages for the laboratory are obvious: All-in-ONE reliably delivers consistent quality with clear time and material savings. Above all, this ensures real calculability. Manufacturing costs and profit margin are known right from the start.

C. Hafner


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CeHa Gold - Milling in precious metal - an economical option for every laboratory

"Are you still casting or are you already milling?" - this could be a variation of a well-known slogan, because the trend towards digitalization in dental technology is advancing inexorably. With its "precious metal milling" service, the well-known manufacturer of high-quality dental alloys - C.HAFNER - is turning the habits and thought patterns of laboratories upside down. The surprising argument: precious metal milling is an economical option for EVERY laboratory! Some laboratories process a lot of precious metal, some rather little, others hardly any at all. There are labs that still work effectively and successfully in the classic casting process, but an increasing number rely on digital technologies and a broad mix of materials. In all cases, precious metal milling by C.HAFNER is an option for every laboratory, especially when it comes to optimizing a laboratory's profitability and thus its earnings. With this innovative service, the specific and proven advantages of precious metal alloys, such as durability and biocompatibility, are no longer reserved for traditional processing by casting. However, the following applies: Regardless of quantity and processing method, precious metal can be integrated into any workflow by precious metal milling from C.HAFNER and sustainably increase the profitability of a laboratory.


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