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Provider directory
Amann Girrbach

Amann Girrbach

Innovator in digital dental prosthetics and CAD/CAM with a comprehensive product portfolio.
Premium Partner
Amann Girrbach GmbH, a pioneer in dental CAD/CAM technology, is a leader in digital dental prosthetics. With high-quality materials and precise machines, the company offers a wide range of products: The Ceramill Dental Workflow System for high-quality restorations, Ceramill Matik, Ceramill Map 600+ for precise scans, Ceramill Mind Software, Ceramill Motion 3, Ceramill Argotherm 2 for processing procedures, Ceramill DRS Production and Connection Kits. The Zolid Zirconia line includes Zolid Bion, Zolid Gen-X and Zolid HT+ White for esthetic and durable restorations. Amann Girrbach connects dental technicians and dentists for optimal patient care and simplifies interdisciplinary collaboration with digital solutions. The company stands for innovation, quality and efficiency in the dental industry.
Founded: 1978
500 - 999 employees
Amann Girrbach AG
Herrschaftswiesen 1
Contact manufacturer
CAD/CAM material
Dental technology equipment
Education and training
Service offers for dental equipment, drives and tools
dental work systems
dental working systems
Communication systems
Organization software
Manufacture and maintenance of dental prostheses
3D Printer (Hardware)
3D Printing Materials
3D Printer (Software)
Plastic teeth
Ceramic teeth
Wax moldings
Plastic moldings
Temporary crowns
Fabricated bridges
Precious metal
Carbide drills and cutters
Ceramic grinding wheels
Polishing instruments
Steel drills and cutters
Modeling Instruments
Mixing instruments
General work equipment and materials for dental purposes
Investment materials
Denture Plastics
Ceramic materials
Plastics (inlay, crown and bridge)
Metals/alloys (inlay, crown and bridge)
Model plastics
Modeling Plastics
Sintering furnaces
Ceramic kilns
Milling machines
Dosing and mixing equipment
Scouring and steam blasting equipment
CAD/CAM systems
Extraction systems
Finished crowns

Amann Girrbach

Product highlights

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Ceramill Matron - Serious Fun

Its exceptional product features make the Ceramill Matron stronger, faster and more intelligent - with maximum ease of use and simply more fun to use.

Whether you are an expert or a CAD/CAM newcomer: You benefit from outstanding precision and excellent milling results at high speed with a wide range of materials, especially in the field of carbide processing. The newly developed, innovative Vmax arm for maximum strength and precision, the extendable Performance Blank Changer, RFID-supported tool and workpiece management and guided workflows on the 21.5" touch display are just some of the features that make the Ceramill Matron unique. Integration into the laboratory environment is extremely easy to implement. The Ceramill Matron is the ideal product for anyone who wants to drive forward the digitization of their workflows and has the highest demands on quality, efficiency and enjoyment of the craft.

Amann Girrbach


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