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July 8, 2024

Lots going on at the DMG open day

60 years of "A smile ahead together": To mark the end of the anniversary year, DMG hosted an open day in Hamburg. Over 800 guests - family members of employees, customers, business partners and neighbors - accepted the invitation despite the typical Hamburg weather. And they were offered a lot. The extensive program ranged from guided tours of production and 3D printing live to scientific infotainment, future technologies and sustainability activities to fun and games and a large food court. How are successful product solutions such as Luxatemp or Icon created? What can modern 3D printing do today? What is the trick behind making a material both stable and flowable? These were just some of the questions that were answered in a clear and entertaining way at the open day. Florian Breßler, Head of Corporate Communications at DMG: "We are delighted that we were able to show so many customers, partners and friends what is happening at DMG. For example, our brand new energy-efficient production building or the Digital Application Center. It's simply something different to see high-tech and the people behind it in person."