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May 7, 2024

Interdentale in May

Following the outstanding success of the Interdentale Online World Congress (IOWC) last December, Dr. Susanne Effenberger will once again address the topic of enamel opacities in the upcoming Interdentale webinar on May 16, 2024. "Masking enamel opacities on anterior teeth - myths and facts". The range of causes of enamel opacities, from developmental disorders to acquired changes, as well as the range of treatment approaches is so diverse that we would once again like to provide assistance for daily practice. With many practical tips, clinical suggestions and the presentation of innovative treatment options, we dispel common myths and misunderstandings. Finally, as usual, we will take plenty of time for discussion and questions. Detailed information on all planned Interdentale events and the opportunity to register online free of charge can be found here. Our tip: To get in the mood for the webinar, take another look at our Interdentale Media Center at my-interdentale.com. There you will find all 12 30-minute videos of the Interdentale Online World Congress on-demand. If you have any feedback or questions about Interdentale, please contact Julia Hoyer at clinicalresearch@mtcompanies.com.