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April 17, 2024

Dentaurum's 2024 training program has it all!

Courses and events are becoming more present both internationally and digitally. From a digital offering in orthodontics to an interactive ceramic hybrid workshop, Dentaurum offers a holistic program that makes its courses unique. Implantology training Continuing education in the field of implantology has gained support under the merger of Dentaurum Implants with Dentaurum. This is reflected, among other things, in the 8th Implantology Symposium at the University of Jena. This will take place on November 09, 2024. However, the implantation courses on human preparations and the modular course series are also in great demand. New course topics for orthodontists and dental assistants A special highlight is the "Digital Workflow" course by Dr. Brämswig from October 16-19, 2024 at the Dentaurum training center in Ispringen. Indirect and direct methods for creating digital jaw models and the possibilities of digital model analysis with the OnyxCeph3TM software will be demonstrated in this course. Intensive theoretical and practical contact with the digital orthodontic world will make it easier to get to grips with the new possibilities that this opens up. The billing and practice management offer has been expanded to include the Aligner billing specialties. Innovations in dental technology and ceramics In dental technology, there are courses for practitioners and estheticians. Dentaurum attaches great importance to practical courses in which what has been learned can be put into practice immediately. Model casting and laser welding - the classics in the course program - are supplemented by new, optimized courses. One highlight is the interactive ceramic hybrid workshop and a course that focuses on the natural veneering of ceraMotion® bleaching shades. Digital. Analog. International. A high-caliber, constantly growing network of speakers imparts knowledge worldwide in presence or digitally in numerous languages. Broaden your horizons with Dentaurum: find out about the latest global developments and findings in orthodontics, implantology, dental technology and ceramics. New on board is a Twin Block course taking place in East Yorkshire, England in September 2024. You can look forward to a diverse range of continuing education courses - all dates for courses, events and webinars can be found in the Dentaurum course calendar at https://www.dentaurum.de/deu/fortbildungen-messen-40763.aspx.