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GTC/ Terms of use

§ 1 Scope

(1) The following terms of use apply to registration contracts that
you, hereinafter referred to as the "Partner", conclude with us, IDS Online GmbH, IDS online
GmbH , Aachener Straße 1053-1055, 50858 Cologne, hereinafter referred to as the "Provider"
, via our website https://ids.online/ . Deviating
general terms and conditions of the partner are not recognized unless
the provider expressly agrees to their validity in writing.

(2) Our offer is aimed exclusively at entrepreneurs from the dental
manufacturer sector. An entrepreneur is any natural or legal person or partnership with legal capacity who, when concluding the contract, acts in the exercise
of their commercial or independent professional activity. Businesses
outside the dental sector cannot obtain an entry with us.

§ 3 Remuneration and term

(1) The basic entry is free of charge. The contract is valid for an unlimited period of time.
If the provider does not want to keep his entry on the online portal anymore,
just send a short email to hello@ids-online.de.

(2) The upgrade to a premium entry is also free of charge for the partner for a test phase of
one year. After this trial period, the premium entry
will be downgraded to the basic entry, no cancellation is required. [Optional,
if so requested by you:] The provider will send the affiliate a separate offer for the continuation of the premium entry
before the end of the
test phase.

§ 4 Obligations of the provider

(1) The provider shall immediately eliminate all errors in the online portal
in accordance with the technical possibilities. An error exists if the
registration entries are not retrievable, provide incorrect results or do not function properly in
other way, so that the use of the online portal
is impossible or limited.

(2) Adjustments, changes and additions to the contractual
online portal as well as measures that serve to identify and remedy
malfunctions will only lead to a temporary
interruption or impairment of accessibility if this is absolutely necessary for
technical reasons.

(3) The monitoring of the basic functions of the online portal is carried out daily by the

(4) The availability of the respective agreed services according to § 1 para. 2 of this
contract is 98.5% on an annual average including maintenance work.

§ 5 Duties of the Partner

(1) The Partner is responsible for providing true and accurate
information in its entry. Furthermore, the Partner is responsible for ensuring that
does not contain any unlawful content that violates the law, government regulations or the rights of third parties (
). This also applies to the uploading of
trademarks, logos and images. The Partner shall ensure that it is authorized to do so and that
does not infringe any third-party claims.
In this respect, the Partner shall indemnify the Provider from
any claims that may be raised against the Provider by third parties on the basis of an infringement. The Partner shall reimburse the Provider for all expenses
and any damage incurred by the Provider as a result of such an event,
in particular all legal prosecution and legal defense costs.

(2) The Partner is obliged to prevent unauthorized access by third parties to its entry by taking suitable precautions
. For this purpose, the Partner is obliged to keep
its access data secret and not to make it accessible to third parties

§ 6 Liability for defects/ Liability

(1) The provider guarantees the functional and operational readiness of the services
in accordance with the provisions of this contract.

(2) The provider is entitled to immediately block the partner's entry if
has reasonable suspicion that the stored data is illegal
and/or infringes the rights of third parties. A justified suspicion for an illegality
and/or a violation of rights exists in particular if courts,
authorities and/or other third parties inform the provider thereof. The
Provider shall notify the Partner of the block and the reason for it without delay at
. The block is to be lifted as soon as the suspicion is invalidated.

(3) Claims for damages against the Provider are excluded, regardless of the legal grounds
, unless the Provider, its legal representatives or
vicarious agents have acted with intent or gross negligence.

(4) The Provider shall only be liable for slight negligence if one of the
material contractual obligations has been breached by it, its legal representatives or managing
employees or vicarious agents. The provider is only liable for
foreseeable damages, the occurrence of which must be typically expected
. Essential contractual obligations are those obligations which form the basis of the
contract, which were decisive for the conclusion of the contract and on
whose fulfillment the Partner may rely.

(5) The Provider shall be liable without limitation for intentional or negligent
damage resulting from injury to life, limb or health caused by the
Provider, its legal representatives or vicarious agents.

(6) The liability for damages regardless of fault for defects that were already present at the time of
conclusion of the contract is excluded.

(7) The provider is not liable for the loss of data insofar as the damage
is based on the fact that the partner has failed to perform data backups
and thereby ensure that lost data can be restored with reasonable

§ 7 Data protection/secrecy

(1) The personal data entered by the Partner itself beyond the publicly viewable information about its
company will be collected,
processed and used by the
Provider exclusively for the purposes arising from this contract for the
execution of this contract in compliance with the statutory provisions of the
Federal Data Protection Act and the Basic Data Protection Regulation.4(2) The Provider and the Partner shall conclude an order processing agreement in accordance with
Art. 28 of the Basic Data Protection Regulation, which the Provider shall make available to the
Partner upon conclusion of the contract.

§ 8 Final provisions

(1) This contract is governed by the laws of the Federal Republic of Germany

(2) The place of performance for obligations arising from this contract is the registered office of the Provider.

(3) If the Partner is a merchant, a legal entity under
public law or a special fund under public law,
place of jurisdiction for all disputes arising from contractual relationships between the Partner
and the Provider is the registered office of the Provider.

(4) The Provider is entitled to make changes to these Terms of Use. The
provider will only make these changes for valid reasons, in particular
due to new technical developments, changes in case law or
other equivalent reasons. Such changes will be communicated to the Partner
in writing, by fax or by e-mail. If he does not object to this change
within four weeks after receipt of the notification, the changes are deemed to be accepted
by the partner. The Partner will be informed separately about the right of objection and the legal consequences of
silence in the case of changes to the terms and conditions still

(5) Should individual provisions of this agreement be or become wholly or partially void
or ineffective, the effectiveness of the remaining
provisions shall not be affected. Statutory law shall take the place of any
provisions that are not included or are invalid.
If such statutory law is not available in the respective
case (loophole) or would lead to an unacceptable result
, the parties shall enter into negotiations to replace the
non-included or invalid provision with a valid provision that comes as close as possible to it in economic terms.